WordPress and image plugins

Prior to switching to WordPress, I had my own PHP based website linked to a database. I made the change from a custom design to WordPress for a variety of reasons, some of which I’m now doubting, but I’m trying to stick with it. That doesn’t help much in regard to certain things like image resizing.

I might be living in the past, but resizing images to a smaller, more practical size is one of the key tenets I’ve tried to stick with when doing any kind of web work. In this day and age, I suppose it’s not as big a deal as it used to be, but it’s still one of those old habits that I don’t want to shake.

Perhaps I don’t know the right name for it, but I’m having a rough time finding a plugin that will resize images to a specified size and link to the original or enlarged version within the content. You would think that would be pretty straightforward, but no… Nothing out there! As a result I’m trying to take some old code I made for my custom website and shoehorn it into a WordPress plugin. We’ll see how it goes!

UPDATE: I ended up making my own plugin!

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